Your weekly drinking results
A few changes could make a difference to you
You drink MORE than 89% of women your age
Drinking less gives you more energy.
Drinking too much can make you feel tired, sluggish and generally a bit under the weather. Drink less and it shouldn't take too long before you notice that you have more energy.
Save money.
If you start drinking less you should quickly start to see the money you're saving pile up. Keep this money in a safe place and use it as additional motivation. The less you drink the more you'll save!
Drinking less can lift your mood.
Some people drink when they're feeling down, but this usually only makes them feel worse. Initially alcohol may make you feel more energetic or cheerful, but then - because alcohol is a depressant - you could end up feeling worse. For other ways to lift your mood visit
Now we know more about how you drink, we'd like to suggest some simple tips that you could try using to drink less. You don't need to do them all. Pick what works best for you and your life.
Red wine does more harm than good.
Although media stories that red wine is good for you are very popular, the catchy headlines can be misleading. Many of the studies quoted in these stories have limitations or flaws that cast doubt on their findings. Alcohol should not be promoted as a way to improve health. There is no safe drinking level, and regularly drinking too much increases your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, liver disease and some cancers. The way to enjoy a longer healthier life is to drink less alcohol, eat a healthier diet, exercise more, and quit smoking.
Swap to a lower strength to cut your calories.
Knowing the alcoholic strength of what you are drinking is really quite important. A simple way to reduce the amount of alcohol and calories you're drinking is to swap strong beers or wines for ones with a lower strength. The strength can be seen on the side of cans/bottles and on pumps in pubs as "% ABV", which stands for alcohol by volume. This is sometimes written as "vol" or "alcohol volume". A 1% difference may not sound much but it adds up over a few drinks.
Find other ways to relax and ease stress.
Drinking regularly can make you feel down or even lead to feelings of anxiety or depression, which make stress harder to deal with. This is because regular drinking interferes with neurotransmitters in our brains that are needed for good mental health. It's better to find out what's making you feel stressed and look for ways to deal with it. If stress can't be avoided, look for other ways to manage it better. Exercise can help. So can talking things through with someone and making sure you spend time doing things that you enjoy. For more ideas visit the other ways to relax section of our website.
Can you have one less?
Each time you have a drink, ask yourself "Can I have one less?"
Keep an eye on how much is in your glass.
It's easy to drink too much when you're at home. Pay attention to how much you or your friends and family pour into your glass and always make sure to finish one drink before pouring another. Topping up drinks makes it harder to keep track of how much you've had and to know when you planned to stop.
Delay your first drink.
A lot of people don't think about how long they actually spend drinking. One way to drink less is to put off having your first drink until later. For example if you wait until 7 or 8 o'clock to take your first drink rather than starting at 5 o'clock, you are likely to drink less.
Is red wine really healthy?
Are beer and wine safer to drink than spirits?
© Drink Less Feel Good 2025