Your weekly drinking results
You drink MORE than 100% of women your age
Less alcohol = less calories.
It's shocking to see how many calories are hidden in alcohol. Cutting out a drink here and there can really reduce calories and help you lose weight. For every large glass of wine you don't drink, you'll save 235 calories. For every pint, you'll save 180 calories. Avoiding spirits and mixers can save you lots of calories too.
Drinking less gives you more energy.
Drinking too much can make you feel tired, sluggish and generally a bit under the weather. Drink less and it shouldn't take too long before you notice that you have more energy.
Save money.
If you start drinking less you should quickly start to see the money you're saving pile up. Keep this money in a safe place and use it as additional motivation. The less you drink the more you'll save!
Now we know more about how you drink, we'd like to suggest some simple tips that you could try using to drink less. You don't need to do them all. Pick what works best for you and your life.
Can you have one less?
Each time you have a drink, ask yourself "Can I have one less?"
Delay your first drink.
A lot of people don't think about how long they actually spend drinking. One way to drink less is to put off having your first drink until later. For example if you wait until 7 or 8 o'clock to take your first drink rather than starting at 5 o'clock, you are likely to drink less.
Be aware of your drinking.
Think about whether you ever automatically drink out of routine (after a long day, for example). You may hardly be aware you are doing it, so the amount you drink over a week creeps up. Some people find it helpful to keep a diary to identify when and how much they are drinking.
Is red wine really healthy?
Are beer and wine safer to drink than spirits?
© Drink Less Feel Good 2025